// Designed By : mechanical guys
PWM LED-------------->PB1
RIGHT MOTOR(+)------->PB1
RIGHT MOTOR(-)------->PB2
LEFT MOTOR(-)-------->PB3
LEFT MOTOR(+)-------->PB4
BOOTLOADER Condition Check-----PC2(if 0 bootler section else program execution
section of Flash memory)
Crystal Ossilator----PB6 and PB7
left sensor---------->PC0
right sensor--------->PC3
Temprature sensor------>PC1
sound sensor------------>PC2
*********DTMF sensor connection********
DTMF D0---->PC0
DTMF D1---->PC1
DTMF D2---->PC2
DTMF D3---->PC3
VB=Battery Supply
VCC=regulated 5V+
VR1=Contrast of LCD
void wait(float sec, int freq) //wait function to create time delay
for(int i=0;i<(int)(46*sec);i++)
void main()
DDRC=0b0000000; //set PORTC as input port
DDRB=0b00011110; //PB1, PB2, PB3, PB4 as output port
int ls=0, rs=0; // define & initialize ls, rs integer as 0 to
// acquire the left sensor status in ls and right sensor
// status in rs
while(1) // create infinite loop
ls=(PINC&0b0000001); //acquire only left sensor status connected at PC0
rs=(PINC&0b0001000); // acquire only right sensor status connected at PC3
if((ls==0b0000000)&(rs==0b0000000)) //check sensor status for both sensor OFF
PORTB=0b00000000; //stop
ls=0; //set sensor status off
rs=0; //set sensor status off
if((ls==0b0000001)&(rs==0b0000000)) //check sensor status for left sensor=ON and
// right sensor=OFF
PORTB=0b00010000; //turn right
ls=0; //set sensor status off
rs=0; //set sensor status off
if((ls==0b0000000)&(rs==0b0001000)) //check sensor status for left sensor=OFF and
// right sensor=ON
PORTB=0b00000010; //turn left
ls=0; //set sensor status off
rs=0; //set sensor status off
if((ls==0b0000001)&(rs==0b0001000)) //check sensor status for both sensor ON
PORTB=0b00010010; //move forward
ls=0; //set sensor status off
rs=0; //set sensor status off
- xem thong tin gia xe toyota fortuner 2017 tai my dinh
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